A word has been buzzing through my mind this Holy Week: “Overcome.” I woke up after a hard stretch of days, and that word just weighed heavy on my thoughts. Truthfully, with many of the hardships our family has dealt with the last five months and also just having to say goodbye to my grandparents’ home as I’ve known it for the 32 years of my life a few days before, my spirit felt kind of overcome with grief, anxiety, and heaviness.
Overcome and overwhelmed are two words that have been interspersed in my vocabulary during this topsy-turvy mixture of joyous and sorrowful days.
I feel so overwhelmed with all this information…
I’m overcome with emotions…
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude…
I’m overwhelmed with all the variables and unknowns of our life right now…
I’m overwhelmed by my to-do list…
I’m overcome with tears…
Worry overcomes me sometimes…
Anger overwhelms me many times…
I feel overcome with humbleness…
I’m overwhelmed with people’s generosity…
And still, I’ve got many things that leave me feeling overcome with joy…
Over…over…over…I’m washed over by all these things. But my breath remains and I do not actually drown, though sometimes it feels like I’m about to.
My life’s story has been redeemed. No matter how many emotions or trials come over me, I am not fully overcome by anything by the power of Christ inside of me. Even all the good stuff that overcomes your heart, He overcomes with His greatness. But with the hard stuff, reminders of how He has overcome help.
Whatever unrest or unease washes over your soul, Jesus can overcome.
You may feel over it on so many levels.
You may want this season of hardship and pain to be over more than anything.
You may wish for trouble, baggage, and anxiety to quit coming over the threshold of your heart.
What has weighed us down to the point of feeling overcome can be replaced with the victory of the One who has overcome it all.
Christ has overcome your overcoming battles.
Christ has overcome his overcoming battles.
Christ has overcome her overcoming battles.
Christ has overcome their overcoming battles.
Christ has overcome all of the battles till Kingdom come.
We need only let Him overcome our overwhelmed and overcome statuses. When we do, our overcome will be replaced by the peaceful whisper from the Calmer of all storms. He takes the drowning overages away because He is Lord of it all. When you respond in surrender to that whisper, all your overcomes transform into a simple, gentle, “Come.”
Jesus transforms our overwhelmed and overcomes with our response to His simple request, “Come.”
What overcomes and overwhelms do you need to trade in reply to Christ’s gentle invitation today?
You don’t have to live with your spirit arrested in a state of feeling overcome by trouble. With Jesus, you can find rest.
The Christ that overcame death on the cross and burial in the grave can overcome all that overcomes you.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28