Deer, Me, & Oscar: Where are You, God?!

My dog, Oscar, and I were walking at a local trail way last year. Before we knew it, three deer ran right across our path just a few feet away from us.  We both saw them. The smiles on our faces grew as our breath was taken away. And just as quickly as they appeared, they vanished. I looked down into the cavern where they ran to and they were nowhere to be found. They were cloaked by the foliage of the forest.

I have often remarked to my husband that I just don’t get it. Where are the deer during the day? You rarely see them. But at night, at least in our neck of the woods, you see them all the time. Or if you don’t, you hit them with your car.

But during the day, they are there. Their hiding places are enigmas, but they are there…closer than you would expect.

I’d like to think of those three deer I saw as a trinity. They remind me of our very personal triune God, who is always there, though not always seen.  So often we tend to cry out, “Where are you, God?!” because we can’t see Him.  Then, just as swiftly as those beautiful four legged, white tailed creatures darted across our path, He reveals Himself to us as a reminder of His presence.  When we go looking to see where He ran off to, our eyes fail us. Steadily, though, He darts before our steps when it pleases him, to show us that He’s still there, just as present and close as ever.  We are left with the comfort of knowing that though we may not be able to visualize Him at all times, we can experience His closeness and the peace of knowing that He is there with us.

When you’re in the jungle of hurt feelings from close friends or family, He is there with His Word of truth, redemption, and resolution.

When you’re deep in the valley of depression, He is there to comfort you with His peace that passes all understanding.

When you find yourself in a forest of crowded new medical terminologies with not much room to move, He puts His hand on your head and gently whispers, “I am the great physician.”

When you’re stumbling on the path of uncertain employment before you, He is present to whisper in your ear that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and that He will supply all of your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

When you’re ascending the mountain that lays before you of moving on, He extends His hand to help you up.  He knows those hills.  He made them.  He is the one who offers help.

When everyone else has abandoned the ship you’re traveling dangerous seas upon, He taps you on the shoulder to say, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

Wherever you are…He’s there.

Keep your eyes open.  When you need a reminder of His presence, He’ll often trot right before your toes.

But even when you can’t see Him for the forest, dear one, He’s always right there with you.

“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” Psalm 139:7 NIV