A few months ago, I was on a solo road trip, heading back home to Virginia. The cusp of winter was in the air. In fact, a mid November snow had just come where I had been visiting. As I checked to be sure my headlights were on, I noticed that everything around me was a sort of monotone grey…almost colorless. Everything, that is, except for the pale pink skies in front of me and the tinted orange sunset skies in my rearview mirror.
When you’re in a twilight season of life, it can seem difficult to navigate the grey road ahead of you. Nearly everything can appear rather dismal, with few defined lines for traveling forward.
I’ve been in a twilight season of life as of late myself. I’m still in it. Maybe you’re there too. It’s hard to know how to proceed sometimes, isn’t it?
As I coast down this colorless road of uncertainties, two vivid reminders sandwich my view. I’ve got the gorgeous truth in my hindsight to remind me that God has shone His light upon my path this far in my journey and never once left me in utter darkness. The sunsets of days gone by are such rich reminders of each ounce of goodness the Lord has shown me in the land of the living. Those painted skies are testaments to every step He has directed me to walk this far in the journey. And ahead of me is the spectacular truth that my hope in Christ is just as real and beautiful as what He’s reminded me of in my rearview. It may seem a little fainter in color, but that’s just because I’m moving that much closer to the next sunrise for the illumination of my new distances for the following day’s journey. I’ll see it more clearly the more I wait for Him to illuminate the next portion of my travels through this season.
Just like the orange skies in my rearview mirror that evening and the pink skies ahead of me, my seemingly dismal road is propelled by the light and beauty of my gracious Heavenly Father.
I don’t have to fear the twilight or the darkness when the Light of the World is piloting me onward. His light may appear through different presentations, but it is always present.
Friend, if you’re learning to tune your navigation to the only satellite of Truth, like I am, you can bank on the hope that is ahead of you and be assured by the goodness that has guided you already through your darkest days.
When you’re navigating the colorless courses of life, it’s hard to find much beauty around you. But when you can’t find much variation from the palette to your left or your right, perhaps it’s a signal that your eyes aren’t fixed where they should be.
Your eyes were made to behold beauty. They were made to see color, illuminated by light. Look straight ahead, dear one. Look toward the horizon toward the hope of a new day’s dawn. And every now and then, glance back at your rearview mirror to see the light that’s propelling you forward toward the light illuminating the next stage of your road.
Every bit of your future has the potential for brightness.
God didn’t create the skies until He created the light.
The skies He made were to hold the light to shine on the rest of His creation.
And He didn’t create the land that you’re journeying through until after He created the light.
Trust Him to fill your grey spaces with the light and color of He brings when you yield to His direction.
“Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:3-5 (NIV)