Put Your Love on a Map

Pastor Jonathan Falwell put it so truthfully when he said, “Love shows up when everyone else is leaving.”

Probably you have experienced something that hurt so deeply and that made you  feel completely alone until…


somebody showed up.


Did you feel loved then? Did you feel remembered? Did you feel friendship? Did you feel a little more hope? Did you feel a little more peace?

Everyday, we have opportunities to extend the love of Christ to the world around us. But often, we miss those opportunities for one reason or another. Since this month is all about love, how about we extend the love of Christ to the world around us by putting love on a map? You know…with one of those cool little stick pins that labels where you’ve been?

How about instead of a just a box of cartoonsy valentines, candy, or flowers, we send our love to someone who doesn’t feel very loved at all? To someone who feels…well…forgotten.

Let’s send our love to some of the far corners of the world and remind some dear souls who are struggling through the hardships of this life that they are remembered and loved.

How?  Here are several incredible ideas from some of my favorite love-of-God giving people…

I hope you’ll take the opportunity to put your love on the map this Valentines’ season.

Oh and hey…guess what? I love you. And Jesus loves you even more.

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7