Ever have one of those flustered days, weeks, months, years, or even what seems to be a life time of harried moments strung together by frayed nerves? Maybe it’s just me, but when I get in a tizzy, it often feels like no one “gets” why. Sometimes it’s unreasonable to expect people to be sensitive because they have no idea … Read More
When Pain is a Good Thing
There’s an old adage that came out around the time of the movie, “Remember The Titans?” You’ve heard it before, I’m sure. “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” That quote was put on countless posters…usually with a body builder lifting like a million pound weight or something. I’ve always found that saying to be full of truth, but hard to … Read More
The Beauty of Scars
You know what’s different about this summer? I have a new scar that is nearly impossible to camouflage. I’ve got other big ones, but they’re a little easier to conceal. This one, however, is on the top of my arm. I’m already starting to get questions about it because it’s that noticeable. The thing is, I’d much rather have that … Read More