The Road Home

Recently I was able to go to the beach with my family. It was an amazing time of relaxation and bonding. The trip there was full of excitement and anticipation. Yet, after a 10 hour trip back from the beach to a pit stop with another 6 hour trip home ahead of us, it seemed like it took ages for us to get home. The thing is…the entire trip home was less than a full day.

As I rode in the passenger seat, gazing at the open road ahead of us, I thought about how this trip compared to our journey to our true home…Heaven. Life is full of anticipation and excitement. But…our heart longs for more than the journey. It yearns to be home…in a place of settlement and consistency.
Life on earth is a dear blessing from the Lord to allow us to magnify Him. Sometimes we feel like it’s about us and the journey we are on. Yet, it’s not. It’s all about how we exist to bring Christ glory. He has already made our travel arrangements.
We may be going through a trial that makes us feel discouraged or worried. Could that be an event that catapults us toward putting our trust completely in the one we claim to be Lord of our lives? We may feel tired. Maybe that’s a circumstance given to us to remind us that our Heavenly Father is so good and gracious that He offers rest to those who are weary that come to Him. Along the road of life, we may feel like we need a vacation… but maybe that’s just an opportunity to recharge and allow our minds to be reset with the perspective that should have been in our foreground all along.
In this world we are surrounded by unsettling events and inconsistencies. But, there is someone who is absolutely constant surrounding all of those episodes and holding all things in order no matter how chaotic they may seem from the seat we are in on this drive home.
The road home is shorter than it seems. The eyes of our heart tend to drift off of the keeper of the beautiful abode that awaits us. I don’t think that God intends us to wish our lives on earth away by any means. We are to be joyful and thankful for the gift of life on earth with which He has blessed us. But, He does set eternity in the heart of every person. That’s the longing that I’m talking about. It’s a homesickness. I thank God for the journey of glorifying Him despite my imperfections. But, I long for the day that I can join loved ones who have already rung the door bell of Heaven in glorifying Him in Glory. There really is no place like home.